Christ is all and in all. 基督是一切又在一切之内。
元宵节是中国人的传统节日,距今已有2000多年的历史,无论我们身在哪里,我们都愿意在一起相聚过一个美好的节日。欢迎弟兄姐妹以及家人、友人、亲人来到我们这里共度一个难忘的元宵佳节。 Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival which has more than 2000 years history. Wherever we are, we hope that brothers and sisters come together in the church to celebrate this festival in the Lord Jesus' presence with your families, friends and even relatives.
We have held this competition before. Our goal is encouraging people to read bible seriously as a daily habit. Because the lamp for our feet and a light on our path.
时间:2024年10月06日 星期日 下午2:30 - 3:30 (主日聚会3:30-5:00,仅此一次。)
Time & Date: Sunday 06/10/2024 @14:30 - 15:30 (Sunday service 15:30-17:00, only this Sunday.)
Weekly Bible Study Meetings 每周聚会:
Tuesday 周二 18:30 - 20:00
Friday 周五 18:30 - 20:00
* We are studying the book of John of the new testament. 我们正在学习新约《约翰福音》。
Sunday Service 周日聚会:
聚会时间 15:00 - 17:00