Christ is all and in all. 基督是一切又在一切之内。
Christ is all and in all. 基督是一切又在一切之内。
约翰福音 10:27-28
John 10:27-28
Keywords: My sheep listen to my voice, I give them eternal life.
诗篇 1:1-3 119:11
Psalm 1:1-3 119:11
Keywords: Love the law of Lord, meditate on His words, put Lord's words in heart, not sin against Him.
John 6:26-27
Keywords: Work for the food that endures to eternal life.
以西结书1:15-18 10:11-12
Ezekiel 1:15-18, 10:11-12
Keywords: The wheel intersecting a wheel, not changed the direction, high and awesome, full of eyes all around.
John 6:26-27
Keywords: Work for the food that endures to eternal life.
基督徒该有的属基督的样子,生命也是属基督的样子,四面--人、牛、狮子、鹰,各代表我们主耶稣的生命,我们也当效法并且得着这属主耶稣的生命。We should have the life belonging to Lord Jesus. Four faces: human, ox, lion and eagle. All of these represent the nature of Lord Jesus life. We should be like him and get this beautiful and eternal life from our inside.